Float’s Revenue Quadruples in Strongest Year Yet

Two years ago, Float officially launched with a big, bold mission to simplify spend for Canadian companies and teams. 

Since then we’ve helped thousands of finance teams take control over their spending while saving millions of hours in receipt collection and reconciliations. 

As a result of providing this value, we grew revenue 4x over the past year, and over 100x since our very first month in business. We went from serving startups to a cross section of the Canadian economy, with customers now processing over 140,000 monthly transactions through Float.

Here are a few Float milestones from the last year:

New payment solutions with the launch of Float USD and Charge Card products

Since Float’s inception, USD cards have been the number one product requested by our customers. Many were frustrated by the offerings (or lack thereof) from Canada’s big banks, as most require a US legal entity, and none offer the advanced spend management tools that Float has become known for.

The response to our USD Cards has been phenomenal, resulting in a 5x increase in customers and 8x increase in transaction volume since launch. USD has become a core part of Float’s business, accounting for close to 20% of total spend.

Float’s Charge Card launched in summer 2022, offering extremely high limits compared to alternatives, with no interest or fees. Similar to our USD Cards, our Charge Card product has experienced exceptional takeup with 7x customer growth and 10x payment volume growth since its introduction.

Spend controls that lower risk while increasing productivity

The economic climate of the last year has underlined how critical it is for companies to have tight control over all spending. We help finance leaders by giving them real time visibility into spending across their business, and advanced controls that lower the risk of issuing cards to employees. 

Merchant Controls give finance teams the ability to restrict card spending by merchant category.

Float’s Expense Policy gives teams the ability to implement company expense policies directly in Float, from defining the transaction information that employees are required to submit, to assigning multiple approval layers for employee spend requests within an organization. 

Audit Logs that enable admins to easily view and export a history of cardcreation, changes, pauses, expiration, and deletion for all their Float cards to date. 

Powerful accounting automations that save thousands of hours

Every other functional team has benefited from digital transformation and modernization. Float’s spend management solution does this for the finance function. 

We shipped new automations and enhancements that save thousands of hours in manual accounting tasks, including:

  • Automated receipt matching
  • Personalized receipt forwarding
  • Suggested GL codes

Customers have shared that with Float, month-end is much faster, they can now do continuous closes, and they can scale the finance function without having to add additional overhead.

“Float saves the accounting team countless precious hours at month end. This will allow the team to refocus on more value-add activities like analysis of the spend rather than spending hours on data aggregation.”

Benjamin Koppeser, Senior Manager, Finance, Clutch

Real-time reporting that helps teams find savings

We heard from customers that traditional providers made it difficult to have real-time visibility over spend, and no reporting capabilities to easily spot concerning trends.

With that in mind, Float launched our new Reporting functionality in close collaboration with our largest customers, a feature that is being used weekly by the majority of our customers.

Float customers can see a snapshot of company spending and be able to analyze trends over time. With financial data visualizations of both CAD and USD spending, they can view month-to-date spending and quickly identify increases or decreases in spending patterns. 

Admins can also run custom spend reports by merchant, vendor, GL code, category, cardholder, team, or tag to get a more detailed understanding of where company money is going. This level of insight can help finance teams identify areas of overspending or opportunities for cost savings.

“In the past I was reviewing the spending daily to spot any anomalies or large spends that required further analysis. We were not following up at month end to look at any trends or patterns in the spending by customer or by buyer. My team can now analyze company spending quickly and easily. It adds another check and balance to our arsenal that we didn’t have before.”

Gino Cacciatore, CFO, Skybox Labs

Serving the needs of larger, more complex organizations

As Float’s customers grow, so do the needs of their finance team. Over the last 12 months, we introduced new functionality to better serve these larger midmarket customers. 

SSO + SAML enables Single Sign-On (SSO) and provides increased security and convenience for companies by allowing for just one set of secure login credentials across platforms, including Float. SAML works by passing information about users, logins, and attributes between the service providers and identity providers (iDp) including Azure, Okta, Auth0, and OneLogin.

MFA works to improve account security and prevent unauthorized login attempts by requiring an additional “factor” to verify that the person logging in is really who they say they are. This can include a text message with a unique code or a one-time-password (OTP) issued by a third party authenticator app such as Google Authenticator. 

Float’s NetSuite integration gives admins the ability to set rules to automatically code transactions with GL Codes, Vendors, Departments, Classes, Tax Codes & Locations, as well as export them to NetSuite with embedded receipts.

The modern day finance tech stack

It’s never been a more exciting time to build a company and products that serve Canadian finance teams. People across every level of finance are eager to bring modernization, automation and new solutions to the way they work. 

We are grateful to serve the most innovative and respected teams in Canada and we are excited to continue on this journey.

Get financial visibility with Float’s latest Reporting feature

April 2024 Update: Both Spenders and Managers in Float can now also easily monitor budgets and control spending with access to Reporting.

Managing company finances is challenging, especially when it comes to tracking expenses and understanding where money is being spent. 

For a lot of Canadian companies, that can lead to delayed reaction times in response to spending anomalies and difficulty tracking budgets against actuals in real-time. Not to mention the wasted time compiling data across sources and manually reconciling missing expense information. 

At Float, we understand these hurdles for finance teams (in fact, we all take turns closing the books). 

That’s why we’re excited to launch Float’s new Reporting feature – the smartest solution for Canadian finance teams looking for more visibility and control over their corporate card programs. With Reporting, you get access to spending data as soon as a transaction is made, giving you the information you need to:

  • Track and manage budgets 📈
  • Make informed decisions about spending 🧐
  • Find cost (and time) savings  🔍

Ready to learn more about how Reporting can help you drive savings through real-time visibility? Let’s dive in.

📈Track trends and spot anomalies as they happen

Every transaction made on a Float card is automatically tracked (and coded) in real-time. With Reporting, teams get an up-to-date understanding of company expenses with access to analytics and reporting tools to optimize spending and drive savings. 

From the Reporting page, Admins will see a snapshot of company spending and be able to analyze trends over time. With financial data visualizations of both CAD and USD spending, you can view month-to-date spending and quickly identify increases or decreases in spending patterns. This allows for quick identification of any unusual or unexpected spending so your team can act quickly and track team actuals against budgets.

As an added bonus, Float sends out weekly Spend Snapshots to your email to keep you in the loop on spending and give you a quick link to explore further.

Managers in Float can also easily monitor budgets and control spending with access to Reporting. A Manager is a user role between Admins and Spenders that can approve Team spending in Float, and with Reporting, they can now view their Team’s monthly spend patterns and identify anomalies or large increases from specific vendors or Spenders on their team.

🔍 Dig into spend by merchant, GL code, or cardholder

Admins can also run custom spend reports by merchant, vendor, GL code, category, cardholder, team, or tag to get a more detailed understanding of where company money is going. This level of insight can help finance teams identify areas of overspending or opportunities for cost savings.

🧾Find expenses with missing information

For anyone responsible for reconciling expenses or closing books, Reporting can help quickly identify transactions with missing expense codes. You can use this customized view to code your transactions in bulk, export them with all your data (including receipts!) and close the books faster. And with Float’s automated accounting features like Transaction rules, you can automate these expense codes, and benefit from more accurate real-time reporting the next month.

💡 How our customers use Reporting

Our team has been working closely with customers to solve issues around tracking spending, spotting anomalies, and reconciling transactions. Our customers use Reporting to give them the confidence to enable more employees to spend and to quickly make fact-based decisions in real-time. We recently asked Gino Cacciatore, CFO of Skybox Labs, how Reporting has impacted his team’s ability to monitor spending and create interim reports. Here’s what he had to say:

“In the past I was reviewing the spending daily to spot any anomalies or large spends that required further analysis. We were not following up at month end to look at any trends or patterns in the spending by customer or by buyer.

[Reporting] adds another check and balance to our arsenal that we didn’t have before.

Gino Cacciatore, CFO, Skybox Labs

Reporting allows us to run a single report by customer or buyer to see if any patterns exist that need further review. For example two large charges to a single vendor for the month when we would expect only one. It was easy to spot that a team had doubled their spend at a vendor in a single month and we were able to discuss and resolve the increased spend.

My team can now analyze company spending quickly and easily. It adds another check and balance to our arsenal that we didn’t have before.”

Float’s new Reporting feature provides a powerful tool for finance teams to better understand and manage company spending. With real-time insights, your team can optimize spending and make more informed decisions to help the company achieve its goals. To get an in-depth overview of how to get the most out of Float’s new Reporting page, watch our video below.

If you’re a Float customer on our Professional plan, admins and bookkeepers can log in today to get a full view of your company’s spending. Not a customer (yet)? If your team is looking for instant access to real-time insights and better control over corporate card spending, reach out. We’ve helped thousands of Canadian businesses optimize their spend and find savings. 

New! Transaction splits 

November 2023 Update: Managers and Spenders can now split transactions!

May 2023 Update: You can now split tax codes and amount directly in Float.

Over the past few months we have been getting great feedback from our customers on how to make closing the books even faster for their teams. 

That’s why we’re excited to launch our new Transaction splits feature, which allows admins to split a transaction into multiple GL codes, tags, tax codes, departments, or cost centres. With Transaction splits, each individual line item is properly allocated to the right accounting code, eliminating the need for manual data entry in your accounting software. 

How it works

Select a transaction in Float that needs to be split into individual line items. Click “split transaction” and enter the amounts from the receipt that you would like to enter as their own line items, and assign the appropriate GL code, tax code, description, or tag. 

Once you click save, your transaction will automatically split into multiple line items, ready for you to export to your accounting software as separate journal entries. You can always edit the transaction you split in case you need to make changes later.

When to use it

💻 Software invoices by department or cost centre

Some teams share software subscriptions, and it’s only fair to split the cost accordingly amongst departmental budgets. For example, project management tools like Asana can be used by marketing and product teams, and with Transaction splits, you can divide up the cost by each department. 

🛠️ Retail receipts by project number or client

For customers making purchases for multiple clients or projects, transactions can be split by tags to reflect client or project numbers. For example, a receipt from Home Depot can be split out with material costs going to different project tags.

💡 Equipment purchase by hardware and shipping

Customers with research and development costs or equipment purchases may want to split transactions by hardware, shipping, and duties. For example, a hardware purchase for an R&D team may be split out GL codes for hardware and shipping or duties.

Float’s new Transaction splits feature is a game-changer for businesses looking to streamline their spend management and accounting processes. With its ability to split transactions into multiple line items, assign accounting codes, and provide valuable insights into spending patterns, finance admins can say goodbye to the days of tedious manual data entry and complicated expense tracking.

Available to all Float customers, log in today to start using Transaction splits, or book a demo with our team to learn more!

Float’s 2022 Product Roundup

At Float, 2022 was a whirlwind year with lots of exciting product launches built to simplify our customers’ business spending. Going into 2023, we’re more determined than ever to make financial management even easier for companies and teams across Canada. 

Without further ado, check out how we simplified financial management for our customers in 2022 below (and read on for a sneak peek of what lies ahead). 

Giving you easy access to USD Cards

Since Float’s inception, USD cards have been the number 1 product requested by our customers. Many were frustrated by the offerings (or lack thereof) from Canada’s Big Banks, as most require a US legal entity, and none offer the advanced spend management tools that Float has become known for.

We are just at the beginning of what’s to come with Float’s USD Cards, and in 2023 we’re going to continue to build out this product (with some exciting announcements coming in Q1).

Helping you ensure company spending is within your guidelines

Having oversight and control over company spending is essential, especially as rumblings of a recession grow louder. That’s why we released Expense Policies in Float, so you can ensure purchases made on Float Cards meet your guidelines.

We also made it even easier for company Spenders to submit their expense information as soon as a purchase is made with custom expense URLs to upload receipts, tag GL codes, and enter descriptions. This year we’re focused on continuing to give finance teams greater control over company spending with Merchant Controls (and more).

Offering payment terms for your stage of growth

Big banks don’t make it easy for businesses to access corporate cards – oftentimes they’ll ask for personal guarantees or collateral, in addition to charging high annual card fees. Float’s pre-funded cards give Canadian companies easy access to corporate cards plus advanced spend management software. 

But as our customers grow, their need for extending their cash runway increases. So in 2022 we introduced Float’s new Charge Card product, offering qualifying customers 30-day unsecured credit terms with high limits and easy early repayment methods. (Interested? If you’re already a Float customer, you can apply in-app. New customers can apply online here.)

Growing with your finance team’s tech stack

Float’s direct accounting integrations with QBO and Xero allow customers to map their Chart of Accounts to Float so that transactions are easily coded (and embedded with receipts) for export at month-end. 

With many of our customers outgrowing these accounting platforms and moving to an ERP, Float launched its Netsuite integration to ensure your spend management processes grow with you.

And so much more

Sometimes it’s hard to quantify just how much work has been done in such a short amount of time. Luckily, we keep track of all our app updates, and in 2022 alone there were a whopping 5,982 of them! Here are some highlights:

What’s ahead for 2023?

Businesses across Canada are facing a challenging environment in the months ahead. We’re all looking for ways to do more with less and find ways to save – whether that’s through cost savings or efficiencies in our administrative processes. 

That’s why in 2023 we’re focused on:

  • Helping you find savings in your company spending
  • Automating month-end as much as humanly possible 
  • Simplifying the payment process for your company expenses

Above all, we’re dedicated to supporting our customers over the next 12 months as we navigate uncertain economic headwinds.

Introducing Canada’s smartest corporate card for USD spending

We’re excited to announce that Float’s new USD smart corporate cards are here to help you simplify your U.S.-dollar business spending. 

You and your team can spend, track, approve and reconcile all your business expenses no matter which currency you’re spending in. Our USD smart corporate cards can be used anywhere Mastercard is accepted – which is basically everywhere. Whether you’re purchasing new software, going on a business trip or need to stock up on product inventory, we’ve got you covered. 🙌🏻

It’s easy as 1, 2, 3! ⬇️

Step 1:

Connect your USD bank account to Float

Step 2:

Issue an unlimited* number of physical or virtual USD cards to employees or vendors

Step 3:

Export transactions to your accounting software at month-end and enjoy having all your receipts automatically matched, embedded, and categorized for you 

With our new USD smart corporate cards, you can: 

Manage your USD and CAD spending all in one place 💸

You can spend, track, approve and reconcile all of your CAD and USD expenses within Float. Regardless of which currency your team is spending in, you can track purchases and export them into your accounting software without any guesswork or confusion. 

Leave foreign transaction fees at the door 🌎

With Float cards, you can avoid foreign transaction fees on USD spend by using a Float USD card. You can also link Float to your USD bank account so you can avoid your bank’s currency conversion fees. 

Easily manage and pay for subscriptions and advertising ​​💵

Many popular subscription software plans charge in USD, like Zoom, Slack, or Deel. Advertising platforms can also charge in USD, including TikTok and LinkedIn. Float offers unlimited virtual cards, so you can instantly create a card for each vendor. With virtual cards, you can set up card controls and spend limits to limit fraud, overcharges, or cards pausing in the middle of a campaign due to low card limits. 

Quickly pay and reconcile U.S. travel expenses ✈️

Hooray! You can now issue physical USD corporate cards to your travelling employees. All cards are linked to your Float software and set up with individual card controls and automated receipt compliance, giving you full visibility over team spending regardless of the time zone they’re in. Your team can now travel stress-free and easily make business purchases without having to wait for any management approvals. Even better, you’ll never have to hound them for receipts ever again – Float will notify them to upload a snapshot any time they make a transaction. 🧾

Get access to USD corporate cards with high limits with no personal guarantees 💳

Big banks make it difficult to access corporate cards in general, let alone those in USD currency. Many banks will require you to have a legal US entity before issuing you a US-based bank account or corporate card. Float offers easy access to USD corporate cards with high limits and no personal guarantee – so you can spend with ease and accelerate your company’s growth worldwide! 🚀

Float’s USD card is ideal for Canadian businesses that earn and spend USD. Does your team need access to USD smart corporate cards? Float provides fast approvals with no personal guarantees or credit checks needed. Book a demo with us today or sign up for free

*Unlimited physical and virtual cards for Professional Plan members. Essential members get unlimited virtual cards and 5 physical cards.

Introducing Retained Learnings

The corporate finance department is changing, and so are the roles and responsibilities of its leaders. Data and technology are being used in new and strategic ways, leading to fundamental shifts in the way finance professionals work.

Automation, communications, people management and training are just some of the areas that are evolving.

When you’re looking for advice that could benefit your company in these areas, there isn’t always someone in your professional network that can help. And if you’re trying to become a better finance leader, you probably want to learn from the best.

What if you could hear from other seasoned finance professionals about how they overcame some of these challenges in their own unique way? Whether you’re implementing a zero based budgeting model for the first time or raising a Series B, there’s a good chance someone has been in your shoes before.

Listening to their stories just might help you turn these milestones into career defining opportunities.

We’re excited to launch Retained Learnings, a new podcast for Canadian finance leaders. Hosted by Float CEO Rob Khazzam, Retained Learnings will feature Canada’s most respected and accomplished finance and business names to bring you some of the lessons they’ve collected during their careers.

In each episode of Retained Learnings, we’ll share strategic advice and potential solutions to answer some of the finance departments most important questions. We’ll touch on topics like preparing to go public, hiring in a tight talent market, or even moving to an ERP solution like NetSuite.

If you’re a Canadian finance professional, curious about how the best finance leaders in the country do their jobs, be sure to listen to Retained Learnings. Now available on Spotify and Apple podcasts.

New! SAML SSO login for Float

Account security is vital for companies who are giving their teams access to software that contains valuable company information. For any organization, it’s important for team members to have the tools they need to perform their jobs on a daily basis. At the same time, it can be difficult to keep track of accounts, ensure employees are using secure passwords, and verify that account access isn’t being shared with others. 

At Float, account security for our customers is one of our biggest priorities. That’s why we’re excited to offer SAML SSO login for our Professional Plan members, and multi-factor authentication for all Float customers. 

What is SAML SSO?

User management can be a headache, especially for large companies or those who are scaling. The reality is, employees come and go and keeping track of accounts and logins can be quite difficult – not to mention, it poses a security risk too. 

SAML enables Single Sign-On (SSO) and provides increased security and convenience for companies by allowing for just one set of secure login credentials across platforms, including Float. SAML works by passing information about users, logins, and attributes between the service providers and identity providers (iDp) including Azure, Okta, Auth0, and OneLogin. 

For Professional Plan members, Float uses SAML to securely pass authentication and authorization from your identity provider to Float for a secure Single Sign-On experience! 

The Benefits 🤩

Employee onboarding or offboarding 👋🏼

IT and security teams can seamlessly manage users in the organization.

Greater convenience 👍🏼

Employees only need to sign into one platform. No need to remember multiple usernames and passwords! 

Increased security 👀

SAML SSO is one of the most secure ways to enable account access for companies and teams. 

We’ve got more tech acronyms for you! 

Have you heard of MFA? No? 🤷🏼‍♂️ Well hear us out! Multi-factor authentication (MFA) provides basic authentication for your company’s team. It works to improve account security and prevent unauthorized login attempts by requiring an additional “factor” to verify that the person logging in is really who they say they are. 🧐

This can include a text message with a unique code or a one-time-password (OTP) issued by a third party authenticator app such as Google Authenticator. 

The Key Benefit: Increased Security

By adding an additional checkpoint for a user login, you protect the company from hackers getting access through compromised passwords. 

Here’s how it works ⬇️

To set up SAML SSO

SAML SSO is available to Professional Plan members. (Not yet on our Professional Plan? Upgrading is easy! Just contact our Support team and we’ll walk you through the process of coming to the Professional side.) 

  • Head to your Settings page and click “Account Security”. From here, you’ll be asked to enter your identity provider’s information and connect to Float.
  • Visit our Help Centre for more detailed instructions on setting up SAML SSO.

To set up MFA

Did you know MFA is available to all Float customers?! Here’s how you can enable it: 

  • Go to your company “Settings” page and click “Account Security”. From there you can configure your login policies with our MFA settings. 
  • Once enabled, the next time your team logs into Float, they will be prompted to set up MFA and choose either text or OTP as their second factor for login security. 
  • After that is complete, they will be prompted to enter their one-time code or password. 
  • Visit our Help Centre for more information on setting up MFA.

At Float, we’re bringing you one step closer to smarter, more secure spend management. 👊🏼 If you have any questions about enabling SAML SSO or MFA, we’re a click away!

New! Sync your expenses and receipts from Float to NetSuite

Did you know? Float has Canada’s most powerful accounting integrations! Along with Xero and QBO, our platform is now compatible with NetSuite and allows growing companies to close their books even faster with their accounting software of choice. 

Float users can create cards for all of their company spending and automatically code transactions with GL codes and vendors, as well as export them to NetSuite with embedded receipts. 

How it works 

✅ Import accounts, vendors and tax rates, classifications, departments, and locations into Float from NetSuite

✅ Code transactions with GL codes, vendors, classifications, departments, locations and tax rates 

✅ Export coded transactions into NetSuite as journal entries with the relevant accounting data

Our features 

Float allows you to close your books in NetSuite faster and automate tedious manual accounting tasks. We do this by enabling you to: 

👩🏽‍💻 Create Merchant Rules that automatically applies GL codes to certain vendor transactions 

💳 Use Submission Policies to assign GL codes to cards they are created 

💰Bulk update hundreds of transactions for purchases that have similar accounting settings 

🧾 Automatically remind employees to submit receipts and assign their own GL codes to transactions 

Watch our team export a transaction from Float to Netsuite in the video below to see our new integration in action.

Using the above features makes for easy month end reconciliations because you can simply have every transaction made on a Float card be automatically coded and matched with receipts for easy export to your NetSuite.

If you are not yet a Float customer, learn more by booking a demo with our friendly sales team.

Dynamic Duo: Submission and Approval Policies

Fact: Expense policies aren’t always the easiest for employees to understand or follow. From chasing people down for receipts to reconciling transactions for days on end, it’s no wonder the finance team limits corporate spending to a select few.

Plot twist. Float’s about to change the game.

Float allows you to set boundaries for corporate spending directly on Float Cards themselves, with automated rules for transactions that reflect your company’s expense guidelines.

Our new Submission Policies feature lets you create custom policies by expense type and select which transaction information employees are required to submit after a purchase is made, like receipts and accounting codes.

Paired with Float’s multi-level Approval Policies, that allow you to automatically route spend requests to dynamic manager roles and individuals, this unstoppable duo automates and digitizes your company’s expense policies.

Available to Professional users, Admins can create unlimited Submission and Approval Policies that reflect internal company guidelines around corporate spending – such as travel, work from home benefits and entertainment policies. Or, keep things simple with a single Default policy to apply company-wide.

How It Works

Employees request to make a purchase directly in Float, either as a Temporary limit increase for a purchase on an existing card or a new virtual card for a vendor or one-time purchase. Managers are then alerted via email or Slack to approve, edit, or deny the request. If approved, the Spender is notified immediately of their new card details.

When a cardholder makes a purchase on their Float Card, they will be instantly reminded via text, Slack, or email, to upload their receipt along with the information your company requires, like vendors, GL codes, or purchase descriptions. Event better? You can limit the information each cardholder sees when submitting their expense so it’s easy for them to code it themselves.

Float’s new Submission Policies paired with our Approval Policies’ multi-level approval flows make managing team spending a breeze by:

💳 Empowering employees to comply with spending policies

Float allows you to set boundaries for corporate spending with automated rules for transactions that reflect your company’s expense guidelines. You can also define what information is required under specific policies, including receipts and accounting codes. 

🙌🏻 Making month-end a breeze for your finance team 

Float lets you apply specific GL codes to transactions, while encouraging spenders to categorize their transactions so your finance team doesn’t have to. Finance teams no longer have to chase employees down or search for missing information for hundreds of expenses.

If you’re interested in learning more about Float’s complete business spend management solution, check out our Guide to Spend Management.

Excited to see how this new feature works? Login to create your Submission Policies or book a demo with us today! 

Float’s New Smart Corporate Cards Are Here!

With many teams back on the road and in action, our new smart physical corporate cards couldn’t have come at a better time. With enhanced tap functionality paired with speedy spend approvals — Float cards are making real-world business spending easy and better than ever before. 

These new cards empower on-the-go business spending for expenses like:

✈️  Travel (hotels, meals, car rentals and fuel)

💆🏼‍♀️  Monthly employee benefits

🍩  Snacks for the office 

☕️  Monday morning coffee runs 

🤩  And so much more!

Float also allows you to spend in style! 😎 Our new physical cards are made from premium materials in a matte and gloss black finish – a professional and sleek addition to your wallet that you’ll always want to use. 😉

Corporate credit cards on another level ⚡️

Corporate cards have played a crucial role in daily business spending for decades – and so we sought to give them an upgrade! We’re all familiar with traditional corporate cards such as your standard physical Visa or AMEX — the ones that get shared around the office, or even worse, over Slack or email. 🙄 These traditional cards typically come with high monthly fees and very rarely give finance teams any insight or control of company spending. 

At Float, we do things a lot differently. We give companies access to high-limit, hassle-free physical (and virtual) corporate cards integrated with smart spend management software — ultimately giving finance teams greater spend control. Float not only boosts your spend visibility, but it completely eliminates the need for card sharing across your organization. That’s right! You can issue an unlimited amount of cards to employees as needed! 🎉

Physical vs. virtual smart corporate cards 💳

Float’s physical and virtual cards are essentially the same but serve two different purposes:

  • Physical cards are great for real world, on-the-go expenses. You can issue these to anyone within your company with smart functionality like spend limits and automated approval flows.
  • Virtual cards are perfect for online purchases, whether they’re one-time or recurring transactions. Float even allows you to categorize your virtual cards by vendor — like your monthly software subscriptions! 💰 

Smart corporate cards are for everyone 🤝

Traditionally, corporate cards were limited to C-suite team members, executives and founders –  often leaving other employees to use their personal credit cards to make business purchases and be reimbursed at a later date. Red flag 🚩 This “traditional” way of doing things can be a major roadblock when you’re trying to grow and scale.

At Float, we don’t discriminate against corporate spenders. If you’re using Float’s professional plan, you’ll have access to free unlimited physical and virtual cards that can be distributed across your entire company – with no monthly fee. Our automated spend management software also gives managers and finance teams the ability to set spend limits, enforce greater receipt compliance and have full visibility and control over daily spending in real time.

Use your Float card anytime, anywhere 🌍 

Float’s smart corporate cards can be used anywhere that accepts a traditional credit card. We run on the VISA network which means merchants can treat your Float card just like any other card they’re used to. They’re easily accessible, offer high-limits and come with a hassle-free experience from start to finish. No credit checks or personal guarantees needed!

If you’re an existing Float customer, just log into your account and order your new Float cards today. If you’re not a Float customer, become one today 👊🏻 Book a demo or sign up for free!